Partner manual

Responsibilities Livingstone

Commitment Livingstone

Be a sparring partner
Livingstone will be a sparring partner for the partner where it comes to defining strategic goals. Livingstone will: advise on how to manage cooperation, how to write project proposals, how to receive mission teams and volunteers. Livingstone will (usually) have two-yearly work visits with the partner.

Advice on volunteers
Livingstone will inform/discuss with the partner about mission teams and volunteers on:

  • the main goals
  • the areas of cooperation
  • how to program a visit
  • how to facilitate a visit
  • how to budget a visit
  • how to guide a visit
  • how to keep safety

Recruit, prepare volunteers
Livingstone recruits mission teams/leaders/volunteers on the website, social media and at (Christian) events. Livingstone actively contacts churches, schools, organisations and interested individuals.  Livingstone support their teams/volunteers with crowdfunding of their travel costs and contributions

Livingstone takes effort for adequate preparations. Livingstone instructs all mission teams and volunteers on local culture, country, the project, the program, the facilities, travel documentation, health risks, etc.

Prepare team leaders
Livingstone screens team leaders through an application form, job interview and by requesting a certificate of conduct from the government side. Once accepted, team leaders will be instructed on the following topics:

  • how to be the contact person to all parties
  • how to lead a Livingstone team
  • Christian reflections
  • how to deal in a crisis
  • financial administration

Legal obligations
Livingstone makes sure that:

  • volunteers have travel insurance that includes voluntary work
  • volunteers sign the Livingstone Terms and conditions
  • volunteers sign the Livingstone Code of conduct
  • parents of minors sign a consent letter for the team leaders
  • volunteers are covered with a Calamity fund
  • there is an assurance against the cause of mistakes at execution of our and your work

24/7 emergency service
Livingstone runs the 24-7 emergency service, during the period mission teams are at the project. If necessary, a crisis management team will be formed within 15 minutes. Together with the partner, the team leaders and the emergency services of the travel insurance companies, Livingstone will handle possible crises.

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