Together with our relations managers, you will discuss the development of your organisation and projects. This includes topics as:
Recruiting teams/volunteers
Your relations manager is your ambassador in the Netherlands. This means that (s)he is actively searching for new teams that support your mission. We contact churches, schools, other organisations and interested individuals. We promote your project on our website, on social media and at (Christian) events in The Netherlands.
Help with teams/volunteers
Our relations managers help you with information on how to receive teams and volunteers by advising on:
We recruit, prepare and send mission teams of 12 to 30 people ageing from 15 years old. They visit and serve local projects for one to three weeks, collaborating with the local staff and community in social and practical work. Collaborating and sharing experiences is a key ingredient of their visit to your project. Teams are highly motivated and spend at least 6 months in The Netherlands preparing and fundraising for their visit to your project. Their team leaders are mature in leadership and Christian lifestyle. Around 80 per cent of our youngsters identify themselves as Christian.
Minors cannot join except when their parents / legal guardians give their permission to Livingstone.
Code of Conduct
All participants sign our code of conduct. We teach respect for the host, the local culture, local leaders and authorities, and we emphasise on good and safe behaviour. All our partners have to agree with this code of conduct as well. Read our code of conduct for our travellers here.
Team leaders
Our team leaders
Team leaders are instructed on the following topics:
Teams (including team leaders) are informed and instructed on:
Social support
The teams are committed to supporting the partner organisation in its work. Our volunteers will encourage vulnerable children, youth, prisoners, seniors and refugees by spending time together and organising all kind of activities which are suitable/encouraging.
Practical support
Our teams have been assisting in renovating and repainting orphanages, building school classes, daycare centres and churches in rural areas. They have helped with farming, cooking food for homeless people and children and so on.
Financial contribution
A team brings along a contribution of 250 euro per person to spend on social and practical support. The financial support is limited to this contribution, due to the fact that youngsters have to fundraise this money next to the money for their travelling. Livingstone is not a fund that can provide large funding; your own financial contribution will remain necessary.
At own costs
Livingstone will make sure that teams and volunteers pay for all their costs for the stay, the transport and possible excursions. They will not cause extra costs for the partner organisation.