Partner manual

Colour ranking system


Our cooperation
In our monthly assembly your relations manager shares important updates about your project with the Livingstone team. In the documentation (s)he ranks our cooperation by using a colour ranking system ranging from Green, Yellow, Orange to Red. Every six year, the Livingstone Assembly 6-yearly

Country safety
Besides our cooperation we also rank the safety of your country and region with this colour ranking system. We do this on the basis information and advice of the Dutch government of Foreign Affairs. In addition we take into account the safety, security and risk analysis of our partners, as well as the feedback of teams who visited your country.

The teams are ranked with regards to the number of participants. Teams exist out of a minimum and maximum number of participants to guarantee safety.

Result red/orange rank
In case 1 of the 3 items (cooperation, safety or team) is Red or Orange, we have a policy to close the trip, meaning we will not send teams. The only exception is when a team gets code orange. Together we will talk about how to work together on this team.

Ranking our cooperation

We have a good cooperation. Happily this is the standard for the most of Livingstone’s cooperation’s. Only if the relations manager ranks our cooperation with any other colour than green, (s)he will let you know.

Everything is all right, but there are some things to work on. Issues should be solved in 3 – 12 months, otherwise you get code orange.


  • In case you ask former volunteers for money once they are in Holland. Check our financial guideline.
  • We cannot reach you within 1 month time (and there`s no team around or no team planning to come within 2 months’ time). Check our agreed upon values.

Our cooperation is not good enough. Issues should be solved in 3 – 12 months, otherwise you get code red.


  • In case you use money differently than we have agreed on. Check our financial guideline.
  • We cannot reach you within 2 months’ time (and there`s no team around or no team planning to come within 3 months’ time). Check our agreed upon values.

Red: general
Our cooperation is not alright. Problems are not solved. We will send no teams. We stop our cooperation. We stop communicating in 12 months.

Red: finances
In case you don`t give (proper) accountability for funds send, or you`ve spend money differently than agreed upon for the second time. Check our financial guidelines.

Red: contact
In case we cannot contact you within 24 hours once a team is around, or within 1 week time 30 days before a team is coming your way.
Withholding information about our project that is important to know for Livingstone also negative affects our cooperation. Check our agreed upon values.

Red: other parties
In case you start cooperating with another Dutch/ Belgium organisation that will send you teams and individual volunteers. Or when you don`t inform Livingstone once you start cooperating with another Dutch Belgium organisation with a different purpose then receiving teams and volunteers. Check our Cooperation Agreement.

Red: harm target group
In case there are serious problems at your project that harm your target group, or in case you do not help the target group. Check our agreed upon values and our Partner Profile.

Red: problem organization
In case your organization is not in line with our Partner Profile anymore (a practical, Christian mission for the underprivileged run by a healthy organization that encourages local participation, has proper documentation and is recognized by the authorities).

Ranking country safety

Travel advice government
We use the same ranking system that our government uses. Check their advice for your country at

No important safety risks.

Pay attention; safety risks.

Only travel in case needed. We will not send teams.

Do not travel to this area. We will not send teams.

Ranking a Livingstone team

A team exists of 10 – 16 members, including 2 team leaders.

A team exists of 7 or 17 – 19 members, including 2 team leaders.

A team exists of 20+ members, including 2 team leaders. We will have contact if you can take care of this team`s program, facilities and safety well.

A team exist of 0 – 6 members, or more members than you can handle. In case the team is too small, we will cancel their tour. In case the team is too big, we try to send them to another place.

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